
dueling TO-DOs

What I Want to Do During Winter Break:
  1. Stare out the window at the snow for hours on end.
  2. Wander around my neighborhood taking pictures of the snow.
  3. Drink vats of tea with my best friends.
  4. Watch every movie with a hint of Academy Award buzz.
  5. Snuggle with my kids in blankets whenever we feel like it.
  6. Go rollerskating with my family & best friends.
  7. Read every magazine on my coffee table with serious intention.
  8. Bake lots of yummy things.
  9. Transform the spare room into something magically beautiful & useful.
  10. Morph into the most organized woman/wife/mom/teacher known to humankind.

What I Ought to Do During Winter Break:

  1. Send Christmas cards.
  2. Develop concrete lesson plans for next quarter.
  3. Oversee my children cleaning their rooms, corner to corner.
  4. Help my man clean the garage (and by "help" I mean buy containers and label stuff).
  5. Establish a meaningful menu/cooking system.
  6. Commit to a regular cleaning schedule.
  7. Visit with parents.
  8. Fix broken ornaments before packing them back in the box after Christmas.
  9. Read all of the professional books I brought home from my office.
  10. Enjoy whatever comes my way.

What would Jake do?


Mrs. G. said...

I like the first list much better.

Amy *aka willa* said...

You have me at list one.

And how funny that you have a list blog...I was brainstorming the other day about creating a blog about lists...such a great idea!!!

I'm hooked now!

Love the idea about watching all the Academy Award movies!!!!

Lisa Wheeler Milton said...

I'm rather found of the first list.

Is that the right answer?

(But I will support list number 2, when needed.)

Karen said...

The first list does sound more fun. But I am thinking if you do a few things from both lists you will feel accomplished and rested after your vacation is over. :-)

Shana said...

Mmmmmmmmm.... Jake.

Janet said...

I like that you include your friends with your family :-)